Super Easy Breakfast Quesadillas!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Morning time can be the hardest time to remember to grab a healthy meal for yourself... especially if you're like me and are currently caring for a tiny human who barely lets you brush your teeth, let alone COOK A HOT MEAL!

BUT being distracted or "busy" is NO reason to forget to take care of your most fundamental need.... FOOD!

I made my first batch of these before my sweet babe was ever born, and have had one most mornings because... well... it's ready in about 1 minute flat! ....and even with a screaming baby, that's something I can do!

meal prep, breakfast, easy breakfast, quesadillas, guacamole, mexican, recipe, easy recipe, breakfast

To make these healthier, you could sautee some veggies first and add them in... but I like them just the way they are :)

If you're a Portion Fix user, the container breakdown can be found at the bottom of the page.... and if you don't know what on earth Portion Fix is... shoot me an email! I'd be happy to explain it a little further and help you decide if it might be a good approach to nutrition for you!

Here we goooo...... 

5 Burrito Size Tortillas (I use flour, you could use something else if you want!)
3 1/3 cups shredded sharp cheddar or Mexican blend cheese
15 XL eggs
1 T coconut oil

^^^furreal that simple!


Scramble 15 eggs in coconut oil

meal prep, breakfast, easy breakfast, quesadillas, guacamole, mexican, recipe, easy recipe, breakfast

STEP 2: 

Lay out tortillas and spread 1/3 cup of cheese on 1/2 of each tortilla.
(skipped a photo of this one.... but stick with me and check out the next pic if that doesn't make sense)


Spread eggs over the cheese to that they are evenly distributed among the 5 tortillas.

meal prep, breakfast, easy breakfast, quesadillas, guacamole, mexican, recipe, easy recipe, breakfastmeal prep, breakfast, easy breakfast, quesadillas, guacamole, mexican, recipe, easy recipe, breakfast

STEP 4: 

Top with another 1/3 cup of cheese (as sort of pictured above ;) ) 

STEP 5: 

Fold empty side over the filled side and slide onto panini press set to SEAR until the cheese is melty and there are some delicious looking grill marks on the outside! 
I have also made these on a large skillet and just held the top down with a spatula... gets the job done, but feels more cumbersome since you have to stand there the whole time. 


Once they have cooled, cut in half and stick in a gallon size freezer bag! Separate the layers with wax paper so that they don't stick together. You can grab them out one at a time to heat up as needed!

These proportions make enough for weekdays for 2 weeks! 

Top with some GUAC and you're ready to ROCK! 


Nutrition Facts: Calories- 320, Protein-14.5 g, Fat- 16 g, Carbs-19 g 

Portion Fix Container breakdown: 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 blue

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